About Us

While visiting her son in the Kibera, Kenya slum, Cindy met Monica, a mother to one of the boys being mentored. Witnessing the plight of these children, many of whom had no parents to care for them, Cindy and Monica decided to take action. They started by feeding the children, with Cindy raising the necessary funds and Monica securing a place, sourcing food, and finding the children in need.

God blessed their efforts, and as word spread, more children came and more needs emerged. Recognizing that these children needed a way out of Kibera and a better future, Cindy and Monica, with the help of others, established a primary school. Over the years, the little feeding station grew into a comprehensive ministry, providing education, nutritious meals, and Christian discipleship to over 600 children. Today, the Miracle and Victory Centre supports more than 400 lower school students, over 100 Junior High students, and sponsors more than 100 High School students, demonstrating the love of Christ and empowering these children to become future leaders and contributors to their communities​​​​.

“Bringing Miracles envisions a world where every child in Kibera has the opportunity to receive an excellent, Christ-centered education.”

Cindy Baucom, Founder

Our Board

At Bringing Miracles, our Board of Directors exemplifies Godly leadership, rooted deeply in prayer and unwavering faith. These devoted individuals provide vital oversight, ensuring that our mission aligns with God’s will and advances His kingdom work in Kenya.

Our board members are more than leaders; they are prayer warriors, believing wholeheartedly in the miracles God can perform through our collective obedience. They are committed to supporting and nurturing the wonderful students at Miracle Victory Children’s Centre, guiding them to become Christ-following leaders equipped to transform their communities.

Their leadership is characterized by a steadfast reliance on God’s guidance, a dedication to integrity, and a passion for serving the vulnerable children in Kibera. As we continue to grow and impact more lives, the faith and prayers of our board are instrumental in driving our mission forward.

We invite you to learn more about the individuals who steer Bringing Miracles with such love, faith, and dedication, ensuring that every decision is prayerfully considered and aligned with our mission to provide quality education and a nurturing environment for the children we serve.

John and Denise Richter

Board Chair and Board Member

Cindy and Darrell Baucom

Founder and Board Treasurer

Brian Baucom

Board Member